Friday, October 30, 2009

Employment, trends & ethics

This week in spa therapies we'll be having a look at the trends which are affecting the industry, what it's like to work in the industry, and ethical considerations related to working as a massage therapist in the spa industry.

Weekly tasks
  1. Do some research into trends which are currently affecting the spa industry - take notes & references. When you're going through this process remember to consider the quality & authority of the source.

  2. Look at your notes & consider - how do these trends affect massage therapy?

  3. Last year the students & David created the Google document - The impact of current spa trends on massage therapy. This is likely to be a little out of date, as much has changed between this time last year & now. Have a read through the document, and update it where necessary. If you add any additional information, please reference your sources (in the body & the reference list), and add your name to the contributors list at the bottom of the document.

  4. Elluminate session: Thursday, 5 November - 10-12
    Employment within the spa industry & spa ethics